

Amidst COVID-19 Crisis, ASAM Releases Updated National Practice Guideline for Treating Opioid Use Disorder (ASAM)

Blacks Experiencing Fast-Rising Rates of Overdose Deaths Involving Synthetic Opioids Other Than Methadone (AHRQ)

CDC: Opioid Overdose Deaths Fall (Medpage)

Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths — United States, 2017–2018 (CDC)

Episode 1: What Opioid Prevention Policies Should States Consider? (The Milbank Quarterly Podcast)

FAQs: Provision of methadone and buprenorphine for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in the COVID-19 emergency (SAMHSA)

Key Policy Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Care for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (The National Academies)

State Strategies to Maintain Opioid Use Disorder Treatment during the Coronavirus Pandemic (National Academy for State Health Policy)

Supporting Survivors’ Access to Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Services During the COVID-19 Emergency (National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health)

The Association of State Opioid Misuse Prevention Policies With Patient- and Provider-Related Outcomes: A Scoping Review (Milbank Memorial Fund)

Variation in Adult Outpatient Opioid Prescription Dispensing by Age and Sex — United States, 2008–2018 (CDC)