Impacting the Opioid Crisis: Prevention, Education, and Practice for non-Prescribing ProvidersONLINE COURSE | EVIDENCE-BASED & SELF-PACED
This free course will empower non-prescribing providers and other learners in directly impacting the opioid epidemic through increased knowledge and tools to transform practice and policies.
The course will consider the opioid epidemic from several evidence-based strategies including prevention, intervention, education and policy.
This open learning course is designed primarily for non-prescribing healthcare, behavioral health, dental, public health, and social services professionals, as well as graduate level students in these fields.
As a learner, you will have the ability to select all modules or individual topics that interest you most. The course can be followed in a linear or non-linear structure according to your preferred viewing order.
• Epidemiology of the Opioid Crisis
• Understanding of Pain and Drug Targeting
• Prevention of Misuse and Abuse
• Clinical Care and Population Health
• Addiction Treatment, Recovery and Public Policy Impact