In the News

University of Michigan researchers from a wide range of disciplines are working together to formulate and answer critical questions about opioids. These collaborative efforts have placed U-M at the forefront of opioid research. 

Solving the Opioid Crisis Teach-Out

About this Teach-Out Course The opioid epidemic is one of the deadliest drug crises in US history, with opioid-related deaths contributing 42,000 of a total 64,000 U.S. drug overdose deaths in 2016 alone. Recently, the growing crisis was declared a “public health...

Older Adults’ Experiences with Opioid Prescriptions

More than 100 million adults in the United States live with daily pain. Health conditions that result in pain, such as arthritis or cancer, are more common with age. Older adults are also more likely to undergo procedures that result in acute pain, such as joint...