- Research review on youth prescription opioid misuse finds opportunities for additional investment in targeted prevention
- Featuring: Erin Bonar, Maureen Walton
- Study finds multiple gaps in rural opioid crisis research
- Featuring: Addie Weaver, Joseph Himle
- Teen drug use might drop as U.S. youth smoke less
- Featuring: Richard Miech
- To increase disposal of leftover opioids, give parents a bag of…coffee grounds?
- Featuring: Terri Voepel-Lewis
A systematic review of rural-specific barriers to medication treatment for opioid use disorder in the United States (The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse)
National Drug Control Strategy (Office of National Drug Control Policy)
Geographic Disparities Affect Access to Buprenorphine Services for Opioid Use Disorder (Office of Inspector General)
Rural Community Action Guide: Building Stronger, Healthy, Drug-Free Rural Communities (USDA)
Tribal Syringe Services Program Helps Reduce Harm from Injection Drug Use (CDC)